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14 December 2007 Do Hydatellaceae belong to the monocotyledons or basal angiosperms? Evidence from seedling morphology
Hans-Jürgen Tillich, Renee Tuckett, Eva Facher
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Tillich, H.-J., Tuckett, R. & Facher, E.: Do Hydatellaceae belong to the monocotyledons or basal angiosperms? Evidence from seedling morphology. — Willdenowia 37: 399–406. — ISSN 0511 9618; © 2007 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. doi:10.3372/wi.37201 (available via

Seedlings of Hydatellaceae are described for the first time. The seedlings of three species from SW Australia, Hydatella dioica, Trithuria submersa and T. bibracteata were investigated. All proved monocotylar, the cotyledon structure as well as the overall seedling morphology being typical for the monocotyledons. The results are discussed in the light of recent molecular analyses. Seedling morphology does not support the assignment of the family to the Nymphaeales and basal angiosperms, respectively.

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© 2007 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Hans-Jürgen Tillich, Renee Tuckett, and Eva Facher "Do Hydatellaceae belong to the monocotyledons or basal angiosperms? Evidence from seedling morphology," Willdenowia 37(2), 399-406, (14 December 2007).
Published: 14 December 2007
cotyledon structure
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