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VOL. 112 · NO. 4 | August 2019
Apiculture & Social Insects
Ariela I. Haber, Nathalie A. Steinhauer, Dennis vanEngelsdorp
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1509-1525, (22 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: apiculture, Colony loss, varroacide, Varroa control
Arthropods in Relation to Plant Disease
David G. Riley, Rajagopalbabu Srinivasan
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1526-1540, (29 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: sweetpotato whitefly MEAM1, vector, tomato yellow leaf curl virus, resistant cultivar, reflective mulch
Kui Hu, Lin Qiu, Yurong Zhang, Yu Du, Hualiang He, Wenbing Ding, Youzhi Li
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1541-1545, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: microinjection, Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus, Sogatella furcifera, virus preservation
Biological and Microbial Control
Michael Bolton, Hilda L. Collins, Tracey Chapman, Neil I. Morrison, Stefan J. Long, Charles E. Linn, Anthony M. Shelton
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1546-1551, (27 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: pheromone response, field dispersal, trapping, transgenic insect, wind tunnel
Michelangelo La-Spina, Sarah E. Jandricic, Rose Buitenhuis
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1552-1559, (9 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Aulacorthum solani, Aphidius ervi, aphid biological control, parasitoid–aphid interactions, Nonconsumptive effects
Kelsey A. McCalla, Mehmet Keçeci, Ivan Milosavljević, David A. Ratkowsky, Mark S. Hoddle
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1560-1574, (3 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: biological control, Diaphorina citri, temperature-dependent development rate, longevity, nonlinear regression models
Marco Gebiola, Richard Stouthamer
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1575-1580, (16 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Asian citrus psyllid, biological control, hybridization experiment, reproductive isolation, sibling species
Huifang Guo, Yufeng Qu
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1581-1586, (16 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Agrimonia pilosa, Isaria javanica, infectivity, Pardosa pseudoannulata, tolerance to insecticide
Juan Pedro Raul Bouvet, Alberto Urbaneja, César Monzó
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1587-1597, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: conservation biological control, phenology, temperature, predator, Scymnus
Shouzhu Liu, Zhimin Xu, Xueying Wang, Lvquan Zhao, Guiqing Wang, Xuewen Li, Leilei Zhang
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1598-1603, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Metarhizium rileyi, pathogenicity, lethal effect, immunity, Spodoptera litura
José S. Meza, Carlos Cáceres, Kostas Bourtzis
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1604-1610, (27 April 2019) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Mexican fruit fly, mass rearing, sterile insect technique, mutation, genetic sexing strain
Commodity Treatment and Quarantine Entomology
Sun-Ran Cho, Hyun-Na Koo, Soeun Shin, Hyun Kyung Kim, Jong-Heum Park, Yeong Seok Yoon, Gil-Hah Kim
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1611-1617, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: strawberry, exportation, gamma ray, phytosanitary
Ecology and Behavior
Henry E. Vacacela Ajila, J. P. Michaud, Ahmed H. Abdelwahab, Sara V. Kuchta, Hannah E. Stowe
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1618-1622, (20 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: fertility, mating cost, monandry, polyandry, sexual conflict
Francis A. Drummond, Elissa Ballman, Judith A. Collins
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1623-1633, (30 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: dispersal, wild blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, activity period, field edge
Yi-fan Li, Hong Sun, Na Xi, Yalin Zhang
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1634-1637, (29 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: diamondback moth, behavior, repellent effect, antifeedant, animal-derived pesticide
Yuting Yang, Qi Su, Linlin Shi, Gong Chen, Yang Zeng, Caihua Shi, Youjun Zhang
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1638-1644, (28 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: Bradysia odoriphaga, Chinese chives, methyl allyl disulfide, diallyl disulfide, electroantennography
Christopher J. Shogren, Timothy D. Paine
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1645-1650, (2 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: invasive species, host plant preference, plant resistance, Klambothrips myopori, Myoporum, plant suitability
V. J. Lehtovaara, J. Tahvanainen, J. Sorjonen, A. Valtonen, H. Roininen
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1651-1657, (2 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: The African edible bush cricket, edible insects, nsenene, rearing density, rearing environment
Ted E. Cottrell, Benjamin L. Reeves, Dan L. Horton
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1658-1664, (1 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: sap beetle, insecticide, spinetoram, spinosad, aedeagus eversion
Jenny Liu, Boyd A. Mori, Owen Olfert, Rebecca H. Hallett
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1665-1675, (4 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: population dynamics, gall midge, invasive, Brassica, Canada
Lucas Fonseca Lacerda, Aloisio Coelho, Adriano Gomes Garcia, Paulo Cesar Sentelhas, José Roberto Postali Parra
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1676-1682, (15 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: pest zoning, banana pest, quarantine Pest, banana moth, fruticulture
Saksit Nobsathian, Torranis Ruttanaphan, Vasakorn Bullangpoti
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1683-1687, (10 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: sea cucumber, tobacco cutworm, detoxification enzymes
Field and Forage Crops
Guilherme G. Rolim, Lucas S. Arruda, Jorge B. Torres, Eduardo M. Barros, Marcos G. Fernandes
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1688-1694, (30 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: spinosad, spinetoram, susceptibility, residual control
Scott H. Graham, Fred M. Musser, Alana L. Jacobson, Anitha Chitturi, Beverly Catchot, Scott D. Stewart
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1695-1704, (28 March 2019) Open Access
KEYWORDS: thrips, tarnished plant bug, Bt cotton, Cry51Aa2.834_16, behavior
Bernardo L. Muatinte, Johnnie Van den Berg
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1705-1712, (7 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: grasses, host plants, host suitability, larger grain borer, Mozambique
Gary J. Puterka, Robert W. Hammon, Melissa Franklin, Dolores W. Mornhinweg, Tim Springer, Scott Armstrong, Mike J. Brown
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1713-1721, (10 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: invasive pest, wheat, sorghum, virus vector, phytotoxic
Daniela T. Pezzini, Christina D. DiFonzo, Deborah L. Finke, Thomas E. Hunt, Janet J. Knodel, Christian H. Krupke, Brian McCornack, Andrew P. Michel, Christopher R. Philips, Adam J. Varenhorst, Robert J. Wright, Robert L. Koch
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1722-1731, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Euschistus variolarius, Chinavia hilaris, Halyomorpha halys, Species composition, relative abundance
Daniela T. Pezzini, Christina D. DiFonzo, Deborah L. Finke, Thomas E. Hunt, Janet J. Knodel, Christian H. Krupke, Brian McCornack, Andrew P. Michel, Roger D. Moon, Christopher R. Philips, Adam J. Varenhorst, Robert J. Wright, Robert L. Koch
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1732-1740, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: soybean, stink bug, Taylor's power law, insect sampling
Lewis R. Braswell, Dominic D. Reisig, Clyde E. Sorenson, Guy D. Collins
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1741-1751, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: insect behavior, behavioral resistance, Bacillus thuringiensis, sampling, Bollworm
Forest Entomology
Sung-Chan Lee, Jun Hyeong Kwon, Deok Jea Cha, Dong-Soo Kim, Dong Ha Lee, Seon-Mi Seo, Hyo-Rim Lee, Min-Jung Huh, Myunghee Jung, Il-Kwon Park
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1752-1759, (23 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Matsuone, sex pheromone, Matsucoccus thunbergianae, black pine, synthesis
Rômulo Sátiro de Medeiros, Germano Lopes Vinha, José Cola Zanuncio, Carlos Frederico Wilcken, Claubert Wagner Guimarães de Menezes, Marcus Alvarenga Soares, Amélia Guimarães Carvalho
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1760-1764, (17 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: Asopinae, Pentatomidae, predator, zoophytophagy
Horticultural Entomology
Laura L. Ingwell, Ian Kaplan
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1765-1773, (29 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: bacterial wilt, vegetable, pest Management, season extension, protected agriculture
Abdossamad Zahedi, Jabraeil Razmjou, Hooshang Rafiee-Dastjerdi, Norman C. Leppla, Ali Golizadeh, Mahdi Hassanpour, Asgar Ebadollahi
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1774-1779, (10 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: melon aphid, flavonoids, life table
Wee L. Yee
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1780-1788, (16 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Rhagoletis indifferens, cross trap, trap shape, trap size, trap surface area
Matthew T. Kamiyama, Christelle Guédot
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1789-1797, (27 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Spotted-wing Drosophila, no-choice, sugar content, firmness, monitoring
Cléber Antonio Baronio, Inana Xavier Schutze, Marcelo Zanelato Nunes, Daniel Bernardi, Ruben Machota, Ligia Caroline Bortoli, Cristiano João Arioli, Flávio Roberto Mello Garcia, Marcos Botton
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1798-1804, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Mediterranean fruit fly, toxicity, insecticide, rain effect, chemical control
Angélica Massarolli, Bruna Camila Gualda Bersani, Fernando Henrique Dalla Roza, Alessandra Regina Butnariu, Mônica Josene Barbosa Pereira, Luís Amilton Foerster
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1805-1811, (22 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: EIL, diamondback moth, kale, Brassicaceae, Plutellidae
Karel R. Lindsay, Myron P. Zalucki, Ian R. Newton, Michael J. Furlong
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1812-1820, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: trap, lure, spatial analysis by distance indices, spatial distribution
Household and Structural Insects
Shannon Sked, Changlu Wang, Michael Levy, Kathryn Hacker
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1821-1830, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Cimex lectularius, bed bug, monitoring, pest Management, amorphous silica gel
Insecticide Resistance and Resistance Management
Danarsi Diptaningsari, Y. Andi Trisyono, Aziz Purwantoro, Arman Wijonarko
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1831-1837, (16 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Nilaparvata lugens, imidacloprid, inheritance, resistance, realized heritability
Carlos N. Vassallo, Florencia Figueroa Bunge, Ana M. Signorini, Pablo Valverde-Garcia, Dwain Rule, Jonathan Babcock
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1838-1844, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Bacillus thuringiensis, maize, Argentina, Spodoptera frugiperda, resistance
Tom R. Bilbo, Francis P. F. Reay-Jones, Dominic D. Reisig, Jeremy K. Greene
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1845-1857, (29 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: Helicoverpa zea, corn, cotton, resistance
Zhifeng Xu, Peilin Liu, Yuan Hu, Jia Hu, Cuicui Qi, Qiong Wu, Lin He
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1858-1865, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: intradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase, gene expression, abamectin resistance
Kaikai Mao, Wenhao Li, Xun Liao, Chaoya Liu, Yao Qin, Zhijie Ren, Xueying Qin, Hu Wan, Feng Sheng, Jianhong Li
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1866-1874, (13 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: Chilo suppressalis, insecticide, resistance monitoring, detoxifying enzyme, correlation analysis
Veronica Calles-Torrez, Janet J. Knodel, Mark A. Boetel, B. Wade French, Billy W. Fuller, Joel K. Ransom
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1875-1886, (22 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: Diabrotica barberi, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, Cry protein, resistance, maize
Molecular Entomology
Kyle G. Koch, Erin D. Scully, Nathan A. Palmer, Scott M. Geib, Gautam Sarath, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Jeffrey D. Bradshaw
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1887-1901, (27 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: greenbug aphid, yellow sugarcane aphid, de novo transcriptome assembly, Kanlow, Summer
Jong-Seok Park, Claudia Husseneder, Robert L. Schlub
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1902-1911, (4 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: DNA barcoding, ironwood tree decline, wood-feeding pest, Termitidae, Rhinotermitidae
Ye Xu, Ji-wei Mai, Bing-jie Yu, Hong-xia Hu, Liang Yuan, Roman Jashenko, Rong Ji
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1912-1919, (14 May 2019) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Calliptamus italicus L., mt COI, mt COII, Sino-Kazakh border areas, the Central Asia region
Plant Resistance
Felix A. Cervantes, Elaine A. Backus, Larry Godfrey, Maria G. Rojas, Waseem Akbar, Thomas L. Clark
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1920-1925, (27 March 2019)
KEYWORDS: Bacillus thuringiensis, host plant resistance, electropenetrography, EPG, electrical penetration graph
Zhenyu Li, Gregory Kund, Darlene M. De Jong, Xia Feng, Martha A. Mutschler, John T. Trumble
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1926-1931, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: host plant resistance, potato psyllid, tomato vein greening
Sulochana Paudyal, John Scott Armstrong, Kristopher L. Giles, Mark E. Payton, George P. Opit, Ankur Limaje
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1932-1940, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Melanaphis sacchari, sorghum, antibiosis, antixenosis, tolerance
Eduardo Neves Costa, Bruna Moura Dias Evangelista, Marcos Gino Fernandes
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1941-1945, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Vigna unguiculata L., indigenous community, host plant resistance, integrated pest management, fall armyworm
Sampling and Biostatistics
Mayara C. Lopes, Arthur V. Ribeiro, Thiago L. Costa, Lucas de P. Arcanjo, Elizeu S. Farias, Abraão A. Santos, Rodrigo S. Ramos, Tamíris A. de Araújo, Marcelo C. Picanço
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1946-1952, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: aggregation parameter, decision-making, leafminer, negative binomial, sampling unit
Barbara A. Amoah, Rizana M. Mahroof
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1953-1963, (2 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: fumigant, ozone, pest control, rice weevil, stored-product insect
Darsana Divagar, Fuji Jian, Stefan Cenkowski
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1964-1974, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: stored wheat, insect pest, hot air, steam, mortality
Manoj K. Nayak, Ramandeep Kaur, Rajeswaran Jagadeesan, Hervoika Pavic, Thomas W. Phillips, Gregory J. Daglish
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1975-1982, (26 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: strong resistance, rapid assay, discriminating dose, fumigation bioassay
H. Izadi, M. Mohammadzadeh, M. Mehrabian
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1983-1988, (13 May 2019)
KEYWORDS: trehalose, cold acclimation, cold tolerance, stored pest
Anastasia W. Njoroge, Richard W. Mankin, Bradley Smith, Dieudonne Baributsa
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1989-1996, (14 May 2019) Open Access
KEYWORDS: modified atmosphere, hermetic storage, insect pest, cowpea, wheat
Short Communication
N. F. Quinn, E. J. Talamas, T. C. Leskey, J. C. Bergh
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 1997-2000, (30 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: biological control, parasitoids, invasive species, monitoring
Ivonne J. Garzón-Orduña, Scott M. Geib, Norman B. Barr
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 2001-2006, (20 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Tephritidae, mitochondria, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, pseudogene, hyperdiversity
Brad S. Coates, Craig A. Abel
Journal of Economic Entomology 112 (4), 2007-2011, (11 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: DNA barcode, species differentiation, restriction fragment length polymorphism
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