VOL. 121 · NO. 1 | February 2019
Steven J. Slater
The Condor 121 (1), 1, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy009
No abstract available
Emily B. Cohen, Timothy A. Guida
The Condor 121 (1), 1-2, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy003
No abstract available
Ken Yasukawa
The Condor 121 (1), 1-2, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy010
No abstract available
David J. Horn
The Condor 121 (1), 1-2, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy011
No abstract available
Peter A. Hosner
The Condor 121 (1), 1-2, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy020
No abstract available
Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza
The Condor 121 (1), 1-3, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy018
No abstract available
Lindsay C. Young, Eric A. VanderWerf, Matthew McKown, Paige Roberts, Jeff Schlueter, Adam Vorsino, David Sischo
The Condor 121 (1), 1-7, (22 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy004
KEYWORDS: acoustic monitoring, habitat suitability, Hawaiian Petrel, Hawaiian seabirds, Newell's Shearwater, Oahu
Gavin M. Jones, M. Zachariah Peery
The Condor 121 (1), 1-7, (22 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy007
KEYWORDS: logistic regression, logit link, occupancy models, odds ratios, probability, statistical inference, Spotted Owl
Vincent N. Naude, Lucy K. Smyth, Eleanor A. Weideman, Billi A. Krochuk, Arjun Amar
The Condor 121 (1), 1-9, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy015
KEYWORDS: Google images, MORPHIC, Polemaetus bellicosus, Prey composition, raptor diet, threatened species
Dustin W. Jordan, Michelle E. Kane, Thomas M. Gehring, Rebeccah L. Sokol, Elizabeth W. Alm
The Condor 121 (1), 1-10, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy002
KEYWORDS: dog, Escherichia coli, Great Lakes, gull exclusion, nonlethal management, recreational beach, Ring-billed Gull, wildlife–human conflict
Martjan Lammertink, Juan Manuel Fernández, Kristina L. Cockle
The Condor 121 (1), 1-10, (19 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy016
KEYWORDS: Atlantic forest, Celeus galeatus, old-growth forest, radio telemetry, selective logging, threatened species
Blake Carlton Jones, Emily H. DuVal
The Condor 121 (1), 1-10, (19 March 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy022
KEYWORDS: Avian, Bird, fledging, growth rate, nestling, recruitment
Stephen J. Brenner, Bill Buffum, Brian C. Tefft, Scott R. McWilliams
The Condor 121 (1), 1-11, (5 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy005
KEYWORDS: American woodcock, habitat selection, landscape, Scolopax minor, translocation, young forest management
Brian D. Uher-Koch, Kenneth G. Wright, Joel A. Schmutz
The Condor 121 (1), 1-11, (15 March 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy021
KEYWORDS: apparent survival, chick production, diver, habitat selection, prospecting, site fidelity, territory dynamics, territory takeover
Kurt T. Smith, Aaron C. Pratt, Jason R. LeVan, Ashleigh M. Rhea, Jeffrey L. Beck
The Condor 121 (1), 1-12, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy012
KEYWORDS: body condition, Centrocercus urophasianus, chick diets, dietary selection, forbs, greater sage-grouse, invertebrates
Bryan D. Watts, Fletcher M. Smith, Diana J. Hamilton, Tim Keyes, Julie Paquet, Lisa Pirie-Dominix, Jennie Rausch, Barry Truitt, Brad Winn, Paul Woodard
The Condor 121 (1), 1-13, (5 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy001
KEYWORDS: adult survival, hunting, Numenius phaeopus, satellite tracking, Seasonality, Western Atlantic Flyway, Whimbrel
Anna M. Tucker, Conor P. McGowan, Robert A. Robinson, Jacquie A. Clark, James E. Lyons, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Richard du Feu, Graham E. Austin, Philip W. Atkinson, Nigel A. Clark
The Condor 121 (1), 1-13, (19 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy017
KEYWORDS: capture–recapture, citizen science, error rate, false positives, individual misidentification, mark–resight
Rodney B. Siegel, Stephanie A. Eyes, Morgan W. Tingley, Joanna X. Wu, Sarah L. Stock, Joseph R. Medley, Ryan S. Kalinowski, Angeles Casas, Marcie Lima-Baumbach, Adam C. Rich
The Condor 121 (1), 1-13, (29 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy019
KEYWORDS: great gray owl, megafire, persistence, Sierra Nevada, Strix nebulosa
Shawna J. Zimmerman, Cameron L. Aldridge, Anthony D. Apa, Sara J. Oyler-McCance
The Condor 121 (1), 1-14, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy006
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus minimus, conservation genetics, genetic differentiation, neutral genetic diversity, translocation
Samuel G. Roberts, Rebecca A. Longenecker, Matthew A. Etterson, Chris S. Elphick, Brian J. Olsen, W. Gregory Shriver
The Condor 121 (1), 1-14, (19 March 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy024
KEYWORDS: Ammospiza caudacuta, Ammospiza maritima, population viability analysis, predator control, Salt marsh, sea-level rise
Rongrong Angkaew, Wangworn Sankamethawee, Andrew J. Pierce, Tommaso Savini, George A. Gale
The Condor 121 (1), 1-15, (29 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy013
KEYWORDS: Boiga cyanea, nest box, predation, radio-tracking, tropical passerines
Patrick A. Magee, Jonathan D. Coop, Jacob S. Ivan
The Condor 121 (1), 1-17, (13 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy008
KEYWORDS: avian occupancy, mastication, piñon–juniper, pinyon pine, treatments, woodland birds
Dustin E. Meattey, Scott R. McWilliams, Peter W. C. Paton, Christine Lepage, Scott G. Gilliland, Lucas Savoy, Glenn H. Olsen, Jason E. Osenkowski
The Condor 121 (1), 1-18, (20 February 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy014
KEYWORDS: habitat use, Melanitta fusca, New England, offshore wind energy, phenology, resource selection function, satellite telemetry, White-winged Scoter
Elizabeth A. Matseur, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Frank R. Thompson, Brian E. Dickerson, Mark A. Rumble
The Condor 121 (1), 1-18, (16 March 2019) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duy023
KEYWORDS: bird abundance, Black Hills, disturbance, point counts, time-removal models
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