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Discover research from BioOne Complete and BioOne eBooks, featuring 200+ full-text journals and 360+ eBook titles from our publishing partners.

Cactus and Succulent Journal
Cactus and Succulent Journal features articles about cacti and other succulent plants, including caudiciform and pachycaul succulents and xerophytes, and is meant for professionals and hobbyists alike.

The Canadian Entomologist
The Canadian Entomologist, published since 1868, contains work on all facets of entomology, such as systematics and morphology, molecular and developmental biology, ecology and behavior, and biodiversity. The Canadian Entomologist is available in BioOne Complete through the 2011 volume.

Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Canadian Journal of Animal Science contains new research on all aspects of animal agriculture and animal products, such as breeding and genetics, welfare and management, and cellular and molecular biology.

Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Canadian Journal of Plant Science contains research on plant science relevant to the environmental regions of Canadian agriculture, including plant production/management, horticulture, and pest management.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Canadian Journal of Soil Science contains research on the use, management, structure and development of soils, and publishes content from the varied disciplines of soil science, from geology to agrometerology.

Candollea, published by the Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva, publishes original scientific papers on the evolution, molecular systematics, morphology-anatomy, nomenclature, taxonomy, or vegetation analyses of plants.

Caribbean Journal of Science
Caribbean Journal of Science is dedicated to publishing research specific to the Caribbean region. The journal focuses on botany, zoology, ecology, conservation biology/management, geology, archaeology, and paleontology.

Castanea began publication in 1936, and publishes work relating to all aspects of botany in the eastern United States. The journal includes scientific papers dealing with basic research in any field of plant biology.

Cell Stress & Chaperones
Cell Stress & Chaperones publishes multidisciplinary work in the cellular stress response field, containing basic and applied research on cellular stress responses of animals, micro-organisms and plants. Cell Stress & Chaperones is available in BioOne Complete through the 2007 volume.

Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Chelonian Conservation and Biology publishes research regarding the conservation and biology of all chelonians, including freshwater turtles, marine turtles, and tortoises.
The Coleopterists Bulletin
The Coleopterists Bulletin was founded in 1947, and publishes a wide variety of articles, notes, and book reviews regarding the biology, taxonomy and ecology of beetles (Coleoptera).

Comparative Parasitology
Comparative Parasitology publishes comparative research on parasitic fauna, emphasizing taxonomy, systematics, ecology, biogeography, evolution, faunal survey, and biological inventory within a morphological and/or molecular context.

Crop and Pasture Science
Crop and Pasture Science publishes strategic and innovative research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. Its primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds, and pastures.

Cryptogamie, Algologie
Cryptogamie, Algologie, published since 1924, is devoted to cryptogams. The journal publishes original papers and review articles on the systematics, biology, and ecology of algae.
Cryptogamie, Bryologie
Cryptogamie, Bryologie, published since 1874, is devoted to cryptogams. The journal publishes original papers and review articles on the systematics, biology, and ecology of bryophytes.

Cryptogamie, Mycologie
Cryptogamie, Mycologie, published since 1936, is devoted to cryptogams. The journal publishes original papers and review articles on the systematics, biology, and ecology of fungi and lichens.

Current Herpetology
Current Herpetology, published by the Herpetological Society of Japan, contains original research articles, short notes, and reviews on the biology and diversity of amphibians and reptiles, and includes work from any and all regions.